I've been writing around 5k words a day, one day focusing on just one of the stories. I do find it easier this way. The "rest day" does help getting back on track with a kind of a fresh attitude to the story.
I started trying to write the tales in "book order" but it just wasn't happening. So I've decided to simply write whatever I feel like after reading my notes. Whatever jumps my eye I go for it. I've been using word styles to create automatic chapter headings which has really helped also. And just today I made notes on each of the chapter headings for the magician's story. It helps a lot to see which scenes have been written - and will make it a lot easier to reorganize all the material. Tomorrow, whenever I'm feeling uninspired with the prisoner story, I will do this as well. Some of the chapters will have to be broken in two or in three (or completely re-written, shortened, etc) but this is already a good start.
Been writing mostly during the night into the morning and waking up close to the sun going down. The lack of sunlight messes me up a bit - but the night quiet (and the cold...) really helps. It's my current trade-off. As soon as my momentum has built up a bit more I will try to return to a more normal schedule. Today my goal is to go to bed before 6am and enjoy a bit of sun tomorrow afternoon - if it shows ;)
The mage is travelling with his abstruse companion through a series of realms trying to gather forces in order to prevent some ominous force from destroying it all - an obvious plot were it not it's connection to the other side of the tale...
The prisoner has found out a good chunk of his mentor's life. What he doesn't know is that his mentor has left out a quite important part - a part that is directly connected to him. Still don't know when the big reveal will take place, if before or after the execution - probably after... ;) I want to put in enough clues for people to then go, Ah! So that's why that and that happened... but not before I give them the reveal...
Anyway, these are just first drafts - plots holes will be aplenty!