Tuesday 25 November 2008

Luxembourg Writs

Spent this last weekend in Luxembourg with my good friend Miguel and his lovely family. It snowed quite heavily on saturday (so I had a white morning bus rid on my way to frankfurt-hahn airport on sunday morning) and I went to a concert on friday night (fujya & miyagi, from brighton!)
But the remainder of the time I simply stayed home. Either playing guitar or enjoying some of Miguel's wonderful cooking, watching the kids being kids and taking us all to their level without any problem.

And writing.

I'd wanted to be able to write quite a bit while I was in Luxembourg so I'd still make this year's objective in nanowrimo.

And I did. Perhaps not as much as I'd like, but still a good word count. Not very inspired word count at that. I really feel that my room in Brockley is where the good things happen the most.
Having said that I did tread on some of the rougher waters whilst in Luxembourg. Not that many ideas and, above all, no real want to write.
But I did and ML grew a few thousand words more.

It always amazes me. When I update my file and check its size that it jumps 40 or 50 Kb at each turn. Sometimes even hundreds. The file is almost one megabyte big!
I don't think I will be able to finish the book just like I wanted. But I think I'll have all the pieces I needed to start doing the thing most crucial to the book. ML's story. The one that comes through the eyes and words of 4 different people. With me adding some more confusion on top of that.

But I have also been updating my A VIEW OF THE MOUNTAIN file. It's going slowly, but it's going. I'm just adding a couple of scenes at a time. And as soon as every single one is done then I will start weacing them all together. Chopping and adding. It's one of my favourite bits because you already feel that the story is there, ready to jump out into the world. I guess it's my favourite bit of editing, even though it can be pretty frustating in the begining if you don't have a structure already in mind...

(which I sort of have in this case... though I don't really know what's gonna happen when I start assembling it...)

And I'm missing LAND OF FOG. As soon as the nanowrimo ends and I finish writing all the bits still left out, I'll start working on this again and see if I can have a first draft ready before x-mas. It's doable but, you never know what may come knocking next at your door...
I keep talking about it and thinking about it every so often, compiling the odd idea, the odd little tidbit that can go into one of those connecting bits between scenes that I still haven't written or that it will need to be re-written. I'm keeping the story alive.
I keep telling it in my mind,
I haven't forgotten about you, I'm just giving you a breather, so you better come out strong next time we meet because I won't let go until you're here beside me...


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