Thursday, 19 August 2010

Land Of Fog Update

It's been ages, I know.
But here's a quick recap of what's been happening for the last couple of months...

I managed to finish the first full revision of the original text some 5 minutes before I landed in Lisbon on the 21st of July. That felt really good since I really wanted to start my holidays without having that thing incompleted, roaming around my head...

Until the 5th of August I was in Portugal on holidays. Still I made my objective to type 10 pages a day of the revision notes I'd compiled.
There were 249 pages.
I more or less stuck to the schedule (it takes so long to type... it just tires me...) and on the 14th of August, last saturday, I finished the typing. Dead on schedule...

I more or less took sunday off. I let the book rest.

But on monday I started weaving the revision notes into the body of the original text, thus slowly compiling the second draft. My aim is to have this second phase ready by the end of the month. Which means some 7 pages a day...

I've been a bit behind schedule. But yesterday I started to catch up and today I'm also more or less on track. I'm off until next monday so... I have to be ahead of the game by then - particularly because a couple of friends are staying over for a week, starting on monday...

Having said this, I have also started to type up notes that I compiled during the re-write for books two and three (now tentatively named Lands Of Mist and Tide)

As soon as all the text is ready I'm gonna read it all out loud (flatmates watch out!) and make a few corrections along the way. Don't know if I'll print out the whole thing (the second draft) or not. I guess I'll decide as soon as the text is ready...
Hopefully the second draft will be concluded by first week in september. And, before the end of the month I'll be able to revise the whole text a couple times more (I'm betting it won't take long, just re-reading and making a change here and there... keeping my fingers crossed....)

And start sending the thing out (at least the first few chapters to publishers - their requirements do vary...) in october. Beginning of the month, preferably...


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