Tuesday 15 June 2010

Revision Update

Well, yesterday I didn't manage to do a single line of revision. I had a REALLY long day and, as soon as I got home and had some food, I was ready to fall into the dreaming.
And I say fall because I couldn't jump, even if I wanted to...
And dream I did, even if they weren't particularly pleasant. Sometimes you seem to wake up in some ways more tired than when you went to bed and then you kind of work it out of your system during the day.

These days I don't try to remember my dreams so much since I more or less know what they represent.
Today they meant I'm stressed and I need to rest.
And that's what I'm going to do tomorrow.
(and write, of course...)

Yesterday the only writing bit that I did manage to do was to finish reviewing a comic book and revise that review. And then publish it on the livejournal website for the Graphic Novels Reading Group that I run.

If you want to take a look, you can just click HERE.

Today was more or less the same scenario with the difference I did manage to get a little bit more done. I revised Scalped Vol.3 Dead Mothers (amazing book - one of the best crime stories around) from beginning to end, revised the first 4 short stories in Flight Vol.5, published the review for Brit Vol.3 Fubar and am about to begin revising Invincible Vol.7 Three's Company.
I still haven't published any of the Invincible reviews I've done but I will do so as soon as I can be bothered to type them all up.
Hopefully I'll be able to blitzpost them during a couple of weeks or so.

In the meantime I'll revise vols 7, 8 and 9... and get my hands on vols 10, 11 and 12!!

I have found that doing a bit of revising someone else's stuff before starting to revise my own really does help me gain some perspective and, perhaps most importantly, some momentum.

I am in hopes of going home in an hour or so and still write a bit... let's see how that turns out...


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