Thursday 29 October 2009

The Last Few Days

The last few days (I tricked you didn't I?! You thought that the title was the title of something I'd been writing but you were wrong, right?) I have spent typing up some more stuff on Morto. I finalised the revision of the penultimate section of the book and have also prepared the writing of the last one.

I have also bought a cinema projector and have been watching some Battlestar Galactica episodes... the new series, obviously...

And even before I started watching I had already started plotting a whole new series...

I don't know why I do these things, but the fact is that the ideas started surfacing and I just went along for the ride...

Well, I do know why I do these things. I do them because they are related to themes that I'm very hooked on. Artificial Inteligence. Consciousness. Epic feel. Messianic Complex. You name it. It's probably there...

I have also been writing stuff down for The Lost Years.

On sunday, on my way to see my cousins in Billericay, I had quite a few ideas about this story. Some that I had had the previous day or two but that I had still not had time to note down. However my TI Voyage 200 (the granny of those palms or whatever they're called these days...) had no battery and so I had to keep them thoughts rolling around in my head...

I only wrote them that night but still, there were some pretty interesting ideas there that I'm hoping I will be able to explore. And that will make sense to those reading them. There's just so many books I'd love to write!

(and I know that this is an attachment... I'm just not too worried about it because I also know how to get rid of it if it gets to dangerous levels...)

Anyway, that's it for now!

I think I'm gonna write another post somewhere else... I'm in the mood it seems...


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