Friday, 5 September 2008

The Shift, close to completion

First draft that is.
It's 94 pages long and that added scene kind of felt like the icing on top of the cake. I've added a few bits of writing that I didn't know before where to place and I'm going to print the whole thing in a bit.
I wanted to give it some time to breath but I think I won't resist playing about with the structure and fine tune the continuity a bit more.
Maybe on monday I'll have the first few pages of that script posted in here.
There's still stuff to do with this script but the hard stuff has been taken care off. For now at least.
Feeling quite good about this script actually. I mean, I've always been excited and challenged by it, but a few days ago I was having the feeling that this wasn't going to be such an intense script as I'd thought. Such as Lost Lines is.
But maybe I'm wrong...

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